We made landfall today (11/4) right on time at 9am. U.S. Customs came aboard in force to process everyone back into U.S. territory. Weather was in the 80s with, of course, high humidity; I had to watch the camera lens each time I went outside as if the camera got too cold in the air conditioning the lens would fog up. Keeping the lens cap on until the camera warmed a bit was helpful.
I took the shuttle into town to an outlet mall. Could have been back in the U.S. mainland. I had planned to take other shuttles to areas of the island but walking through the mall a problem cropped up that required a speedy trip to the men’s room. Don’t know why, must have been something from the ship, but I’m certainly glad I was not out on an excursion. Finished shopping and took the shuttle back to the ship as the safest course of action.
I did see some of the “sights” of the island on the way to and from the ship so the day was not completely lost. What I found out from someone who had lived here was that there was little to see (mainly why I canceled my excursion some time ago) and can confirm the accuracy.
The day had no further incidents thankfully; the Imodium might have helped with that.
Tonight sunset was spectacular and special. I was out on my balcony taking photos of the sun setting when our resident bagpipe player did his daily tune; yes, we have a passenger who plays and brought bagpipes and pipes a tune each day. He finished and just as the last bit of sun left the horizon behind the island cliff a bugle sounded as the flag was lowered at the U.S. Navy base two bays over. Have not had the priviledge of giving a hand salute as the flag was lowered at a military base in a long time so tonight was special in that regard.
After two passengers arrived five minutes late, we buttoned up the ship and sailed out of Guam to police sirens and well wishes over bullhorns from the shore.
We now have seven sea days to get to Hawaii, including one day (11/7) that will be repeated as we cross the International Date Line eastbound. I have one vodka from my elite-class mini-bar plus the six pack of Asahi beer I bought to cover that period.