The largest and brightest Moon for the year 2023 appeared on 8/30 and it was the closest to the Earth for the year making it a Perigee and Super moon and as it was the second full moon of the month, it was also a Blue moon.
While the Moon reached its closest point to the Earth at 6:36 pm Pacific Daylight Time, it rose at 7:40 pm and where I live there are trees to the East so I did not see the Moon until about 8:00 pm. As it rises it also gets closer to the edge of the building I live in from my balcony view. Took about 70 photos using different settings and this is my best.

Sony A9 full frame camera, 100-400mm zoom lens with 2X doubler and auto focus. Photo shot at 800mm, ISO 500, f16, 1/125 sec, with exposure compensation at -3.0. Aperture priority was used. Post processing included Adobe Camera Raw, and Topaz Sharpen AI.