The Charles Paddock Zoo in Atascadero, California was established in 1955 by Charles Paddock, a county park ranger who nursed wild animals back to health. Over time the zoo was moved from the animal shelter to its present site: 5 park-like acres within Atascadero Lake Park. In 1997, while living in Santa Maria about 45 miles south, I visited the site. Some of the pictures taken then are shown here. Please keep in mind that the animals you see here are likely long gone with others taking their place in more modern enclosures. If you want to visit…
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Mandarin Ducks

Llama in Petting Zoo Area



To see more about the zoo please visit their Website.
These pictures were all taken in early 1997 using print film and are scans of the prints originally made from the negatives.
[This page was moved from my TomsDomain.com site to TomsFotos 11 June 2015.]